Graduate Programs

Advising Coordinators:

               Computer Science: Dr. Dawei Li
               Information Technology: Dr. Boxiang Dong
               Cybersecurity: Dr. Bharath Kumar Samanthula

The Department of Computer Science offers a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science, a Master of Science Degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Information Technology, and a Master of Science Degree in Information Technology with a concentration in Applied Information Technology - Online.

The graduate program in computer science is designed for students interested in pursuing computer science theoretically as well as practically at an advanced level. While introducing students to newly developing areas of computer science, this program emphasizes the foundations and concepts of the field. Concepts are developed rather than routine programming skills. Students are prepared for professional work in the design and implementation of software systems, data base systems, operating systems, artificial intelligence, expert systems, graphics, simulation and algorithms for discrete and continuous structures that will aid in the solution of problems encountered in the scientific and business sector. The curriculum is designed to allow students to develop skills needed to achieve leadership positions in business, industry, and government in computer science or in related fields that are computer science intensive. The program also prepares teachers of computer science at the two year college, high school and middle school levels.

The graduate program in computer science began in 1978. At present, there are 12 full-time faculty in the Department of Computer Science. The special interests of the faculty include algorithms, artificial intelligence, automata theory, automated theorem proving, bioengineering, compilers, computer science education, complexity theory, computational linguistics, computational logic, cryptography, databases, data mining and knowledge discovery, design and management of information systems, expert systems, fault-tolerant computing, graphics, machine organization and architecture, neural networks, non-linear phenomena and fuzzy logic, operating systems, parallel and distributed computing, program verification, pixel and image processing, robotics, software engineering, scientific computing, and telecommunications. The department has the advantage of having professional computer scientists as both faculty and visiting specialists. The visiting specialists are drawn from the aerospace, chemical, computer, and pharmaceutical industries. This mix of faculty affords students the opportunity to obtain an education in both the practical and theoretical aspects of computer science.

Students desiring to enter the MS in Computer Science without an appropriate background in computer science can obtain the necessary foundation in computer science and mathematics by taking courses in our prerequisite program. Upon satisfactory completion of part or all of the program, students are admitted to the Master of Science program.

Master's Degrees

         For students enrolled prior to Fall 2017